This is about how to make a rabbit become less wary of you and more trustful with you also. I myself have a Dutch that was released by its previous owner, then I rescued it. She never wants to be took out of her cage, but now she doesn't mind as long as I'm gentle and nice.
Hello and welcome to my post. I would like to share a few things I have picked up along the way - while feeding my two dwarf rabbits. In this tutorial I would like to answer the question - How to choose the best food for your rabbit?
During Easter, many adults think it would be a lovely idea to gift their favorite niece or nephew a pet rabbit as part of their Easter basket, but according to animal shelters and experts everywhere, gifting a bunny is the worst thing you can do.
Rabbits are adorable, furry little friends. If you are thinking of buying a rabbit for yourself or your family, have a quick look at this tutorial. In this pet video Marc Morrone will show you the best way to care for rabbits and find out why they make great pets.
There's nothing cuter than a rabbit standing on its hind legs with its nose twitching inquisitively in the air and its ears at attention. With this method, you'll be able to get your rabbit to stand up whenever you want.
Just like the rest of us, rabbits will take medicine more easily if it tastes good. But if you're stuck with the old-fashioned, bad-tasting kind, here's how to make the medicine go down. Watch this video to learn how to give medication to a rabbit.
Learn how to choose the rabbit that's best for children. There's probably not a kid out there who wouldn't love a pet bunny, but rabbits and children can be a tough combination. To make the match a happy one, follow these steps.
There's nothing a rabbit likes more than toys they can climb inside, shred, and drag around. With a good pair of scissors, you can make a steady supply of bunny-pleasers that won't cost you a thing.
This Animal Welfare Foundation three-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a rabbit.
Did you know that rabbits can be litter-trained? Having a properly trained bunny means less mess and stress for you—and the bonus for your bunny is that she'll get more freedom around the house.
These rabbit tricks are from the Santa Barbara Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter Association. is training the bunnies to respond to a clicker using principles of Pavlov's dog. She shows his tricks and when you must click and give a treat to reinforce the trained behavior.
This audio slideshow shares experiences and tips on how to effectively and safely bathe your pet rabbit and also how to trim their nails. These are basic and necessary care routines to help you keep your rabbit healthy and happy. Follow along with this how-to tutorial to learn the best way to keep your rabbit happy, clean, and trimmed.
This audio how-to slideshow shares experiences and tips on how to set up a playroom or exercise room for your pet rabbit. Like people, rabbits don't like to be constantly confined in a small cage/space, so setting up an area or room where your rabbit can hop around and relax will make them live happier lives. Follow these helpful tips from an experience pet owner and learn how to set up a playroom for our pet rabbit.
Sub-q fluids should only be administered to an animal under the instruction of a veterinarian, but some pets, like rabbits, will need to receive them at home, when the veterinarian is not around. Proper procedure should be followed to ensure that the subcutaneous fluids are reaching the rabbit, and that the bunny doesn't get hurt from malpractice. Watch this video veterinary tutorial and learn how to give Sub-Q fluids to a pet rabbit.
A veterinarian explains everything you need to know about conjunctivitis in young rabbits. Find out what rabbits get it, what it is and how to recognize symptoms of conjunctivitis. Watch this video veterinary tutorial and learn how to detect conjunctivitis in a pet bunny rabbit.
A naturalist from the SUNY College of Environmental Forestry discusses ommon animal tracks and how to identify them. Learn to not mistake squirrel with rabbit tracks.
Bathing a litter of bunnies. Rabbits rarely need baths and they are less frightened if you do it in a bath tub. You do not have to bathe the entire rabbit.
Sometimes a rabbits teeth are mis-aligned. This can happen by pulling on a cage, a fall or from a congenital condition. They overlap, grow too long and can interfere with eating - to the point of death. These teeth need to be trimmed frequently, here's how to do it.
It is very hard to see the blood line in a dark toenail. This video will show you how to trim or cut a dark toenail without hurting the rabbit or bunny.
If you're interested in owning a rabbit, or perhaps have one or two already, follow London Vauxhall City Farm's step by step guide to caring for your rabbit. Information is provided on the proper housing and bedding, handling, and diet for your rabbit. Also, learn what rabbits need and enjoy, such as how long and often they should exercise and play. The video also shows how to clean out your rabbit's hutch or home, groom your rabbit, and check your rabbit's health and what abnormal signs to...
Sarah is a resident exotic animal health technician and has been working as a technician for seven years, but she began working with animals over 12 years ago at the Wildlife Care Center and has worked at several animal hospitals in the South Florida and Gainesville areas. Man has had a unique relationship with a certain long-eared animal on this planet. The rabbit, order Lagomorpha, has often been considered to be lucky, perhaps because of its place in African folklore and magic; and some...